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・The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Complete Edition Collector's Guide: Prima Collector's Edition Guide (Collectors Edition)
A Witcher's Work is Never Done.
Includes ALL Downloadable Content: Everything you need to know about the Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine expansions, along with all the DLCs: new weapons, armor, companion outfits, new game mode, and side quests. Boasting over 800 pages, this massive guide will equip you with the knowledge essential for completing all quests, upgrading to the best gear, and crafting the most powerful items.
Exclusive Lithos: Two beautifully-printed lithographs featuring key characters from The Witcher's universe are included.
Digital Art Gallery: Explore the world of The Witcher with a focus on the Duchy of Toussaint, the setting of the Blood and Wine expansion. Only available in the Collector's Edition eGuide.
Over 800 pages: This guide includes a 100% complete walk through for all the quests in the game, including all DLC.
The Ultimate Guide for your journey: Navigate the beautiful yet deadly world of The Witcher with our highly-detailed maps. Find every Vendor, Chest, Gwent Player, and more.
The Complete Gwent Player's Guide: Collect every Gwent card and use expert strategies to outsmart your opponents with your perfectly composed deck.
A Witcher's Tools: Includes exclusive comprehensive digital inventory section. Find the stats and details of every weapon, armor, and item in an easily accessible, sortable, and searchable digital format.
Free mobile-friendly eGuide: Includes a code to access the eGuide, a web-access version of the complete strategy guide optimized for a second-screen experience, including a comprehensive, searchable and sortable inventory section.
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